FAQ | Airdrops Managers

Cocoricos | Help Center > FAQ | Airdrops Managers

1. How do you make sure that the required Airdrops Actions are done?

Our team of moderators will take care to verify in a meticulous way and as soon possible for every user, that the actions have been carried out as required.

2. What are Cocoricos’ fees to list our airdrop?

It’s totally free to be listed. The reward for all Cocoricos teams is 3% of the tokens generated via our tools.

3. What do you need from us to be listed?

  •  Fill out our listing form here
  • The codes of the different buttons of your social networks (eg. Facebook like button: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-button/)

4. How can we track users that come from Cocoricos.io to our medias?

The Analytics Dashboard sent to you will allow you to follow rigorously all the activities related to your Airdrop.

5. What are our advantages using Cocoricos for our Airdrop?

  • Having your actions done faster, when Airdrops Hunters can go faster, your actions can be done faster.
  • Benefit from free tools without having to create your own dashboard
  • Being able to analyze every activity on an intuitive dashboard
  • We have systems of inventives to build airdrops hunters and make them interact every day, it avoids the parasytes airdrops hunters who come the first day to get your tokens and do not participate anymore.
  • The leaderboard allows users to compete for as many actions as possible, boosting your audience.
  • More than 5000 Airdrops Hunters in France, and a growing community around the world, also in the United States

5. Where do Airdrops Hunters come from?

Cocoricos already has a base of more than 5000 Airdrops Hunters in France, and a growing community around the world, also in the United States (because if the ICOs are regulated there, the Airdrops are not).

6. How do you verify the quality of Airdrops Hunters?

It is a daily work of our teams who track hungry hunters Airdrops and regularly evolve programs Airdrops Hunters to thwart this type of practices.

7. Can you share results from other Airdrops that used Cocoricos’ services?

Every Airdrop Hunting campaign is strictly confidential. We reach in time the objectives set by mutual agreement between Airdrops and Cocoricos.

8. Where can I find the list of the extra-actions that you propose?

You can find the list of proposed extra-tasks in the third page on Cocoricos’ Airdrops Pitch Deck

9. How do you keep your progress bar showing airdropped tokens updated?

The ideal solution would be to have an api from you that we can integrate to make it evolve automatically, we can also scrap this information if it’s public, our data entry experts will share with you everyday to get this information correct in real time.

10. Why does Cocoricos list Airdrops?

Parce que nous voulons nous assurer d’avoir les meilleures ICOs et voulons connaître en amont et le plus rapidement possible les équipes de celles ci.

11. What is the list of social media on which Cocoricos can help us operate?

- Telegram
- Reddit
- Bitcointalk
- Twitter
- Facebook
- Instagram
- Youtube
- Google
- Whatsapp

This list is non-exhaustive.

12. Are you flexible in updating our initial actions?

Yes we can. Plus, you will have a dedicated correspondant who will coordinate your action with the teams of Cocoricos.

13. Who owns the data of users who go through Cocoricos for our airdrop?

The data is confidential for each Airdrop. Cocoricos is certainly the owner of this information but undertakes to keep it and not to disclose it.

14. We have extra questions, where can we send these to you?

Vous pouvez trouver d’autres informations sur nos Pitch Decks, notre Help Center ou nous envoyer un email sur cette adresse.