???? EGG is now tradable ! Grab some to maximize your Cocoricos' yield ????

B21 Airdrop

B21 is a mobile-focused investment platform that enables the mass market to create their own portfolio of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, and many others. They plan to enable a whole new class of investing in which the assets are crypto assets, including cryptocurrencies, altcoins and other future crypto assets such as digital goods and services.
$111 150/  $111 150
Airdrop finished
Estimated Value : $1.9

B21 is airdropping free B21 tokens to their community members. Download the B21 Life app and register to earn 10 stakes. Also, earn 5 stakes for each referral up to 20 referrals.

Listed since early stage

I hereby declare the following:

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