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Bybit Airdrop

Bybit is a trading platform for Bitcoin and Ethereum, offering cryptocurrency perpetual contracts. Bybit is giving away up to $500 worth of BTC to giveaway participants plus referral bonuses.
$120 000/  $120 000
Airdrop finished
Estimated Value : N/A

Today we have another great and worthy airdrop from Bybit where you can earn some USD rewards by depositing BTC on Bybit exchange.

To be eligible for the Bybit airdrop you need to:
- Register on Bybit website and verify your email address
- Visit their reward page and enter ???JACKPOT??? into the voucher code field and click on ???Redeem???.
- Deposit BTC and get USD reward

USD rewards based on your BTC deposits
??? 0.01 BTC = $15
??? 0.05 BTC = $50
??? 0.1 BTC = $100
??? 0.5 BTC = $300
??? 1.5 BTC = $500

For more info please check their official post here.

Listed since early stage

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