???? EGG is now tradable ! Harvest some to boost your APY ????

$118 740/  $118 740
Airdrop finished
Estimated Value : $1.5

Today we have another great airdrop from the Carry Protocol project where our airdrop hunters can grab 500 CRE tokens for completing some easy social media tasks like joining Biki Exchange and CRE Telegram group, creating an account on Biki Exchange and completing their KYC verification. To be eligible for the airdrop you must complete all of their tasks and submit your details in their airdrop form, once their distribution begins you will be rewarded with 500 CRE tokens that are around 1.5 USD. CRE tokens are ETH ERC20 token type with a total supply of 4,511,558,981 CRE tokens and currently the price of each CRE token is 0.0028$.

Carry Protocol - Empowering consumers with control over data. The goal of Carry Protocol is to connect merchants and customers offline thanks to the advanced blockchain technology, they aim to improve or solve three important problems such as: to provide customers and merchants a platform where they can communicate among each other, enable full power for the customers to control their own transaction data and to monetize the information and the third and final issue that they want to improve is to offer a new advertising channel where everything is transparent and effective.

Listed since early stage

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