P2P solutions foundation
Raised $103 500
1 P2PS = $0.83
* this project will be funded if the target of $103,500 is reached. If the target is not reached, you will be refunded at 100% of your investment.
P2PS is the world's first blockchain-powered, secure, pure peer to peer, interference-free, digital communications platform designed for everyone with a need to securely store and exchange digital data such as private data, medical records, banking data and government classified data, among other sensitive digital exchanges. Such platforms today are simply nonexistent. The purpose of P2PS, brought to you by P2P Solutions Foundation, is to bring you a system through which you can exchange confidential digital assets or files with absolutely no interference from any third party, not even an administrator. P2PS is a fully functional product that has no comparable substitutes, alternatives or parallels on a global level.